Projects - Dunedin Town Hall Redevelopment
Dunedin Town Hall Redevelopment
- Upgrade of the Municipal Chambers
- World renowned historical features of the building remained intact
- Modernisation of the historic building's strength & services
The civic project was completed in 3 stages with stages 2 and 3 running concurrently. Stage 1 started June 2010 and was completed March 2011, Stage 2 then ran April 2011 to April 2013 and Stage 3 started December 2011 and completed April 2013.
Stage 1
The strengthening and upgrade of the Municipal Chambers from a dated facility to a fully state of the art facility.
Stage 2
Stage 2 was originally planned to change the Glenroy Theatre from its existing use to a more multi-user facility.
Towards the projected start date of this stage it was realised that what was designed no longer reflected how the client foresaw this building being used.
An extensive redesign was undertaken of this facility which extended out the start date and completion dates for this part of the development as well the completion date for the overall project.
This redesign meant the world renowned features of this building remained intact while the additional features including the linking of the building to the Municipal Chambers and Town Hall remained in the plans.
A considerable saving was also made to the budget with this redesign.
Stage 3
Stage 3 was the main bulk of the project which included a complete overhaul of the Town Hall building whilst maintaining the historic features of the venue.
Strengthening was carried out along with the introduction of sprinklers throughout along with completely new services to the entire building.
A massive excavation to the basement area was required to add additional space for all the new services along with additional back of house space for all the extras required when turning this building into a state of the art conferencing and performance centre.
With the age of the building significant hurdles had to be overcome, often at pace, to keep up with the very tight programme.
The project was completed on time and well under budget - which considering the amount of unknowns encountered was a major achievement for the project team. We were able to achieve this with a fully co-operative team in place from the client, through the design team, builder and our subcontractors and suppliers.
Want to know more about this project? Feel free to contact:
- Robert Clark 03 477 4000 - DCC
- David Booth 03 474 5231 - Octa Associates
Project Details