Having worked on both the client and contractor side, Ryan has valuable experience and understanding of both parties' perspectives.
Ryan's strengths are contract management, sub-contractor negotiation, management & vetting; as well as his sound construction knowledge and understanding.
His experience over his years with ABL's Dunedin office since 2014, and his previous QS roles within major NZ construction companies and with a leading New Zealand Quantity Surveying consultancy, have focused on high-end, challenging architectural projects.
Ryan enjoys challenging "outside the box" projects and the success that comes with delivering to the client's expectations.
Competencies – Project Services
- Commercial Leadership
- Subcontractor Administration and Management
- Main Contractor
- Financial Administration and management
- Subcontractor Administration and management
- Procurement and scheduling
Qualifications and training
- Site Safe Foundation Passport
- New Zealand Certificate in Quantity Surveying
- Construction Management
Management Skills
- Construction Methodology
- Project Planning
- Value Engineering
- Tendering / Procurement
- Project Estimation
- Contract Administration
- Consultant and Subcontractor co-ordination
Recent Project Experience – Quantity Surveyor
- Kaans Catering Redevelopment
- London Street Apartments Dunedin
- Macraes Mine Village Relocation Projects
- Bayfield High School 5YA Modernisation - Dunedin
- University Students Association - USB Bookshop Redevelopment
- Montrose House
- Saddle House Residence, Queenstown
- Mica Ridge Millbrook Resort Queenstown
- Queenstown Airport Terminal Expansion
- Countdown Mosgiel
- Gardens New World